This is sot of a joint between A function and a number.

Pankicking Penguin (\(\Pi(n)\))

Let \(T(n, m)\) indicates the maximum sum of non-blank symbols that can be written (in the finished plane) with an n-state, m-color halting Turing machine starting from a blank tape before halting.(allowing movement in 8 cardinal directions)
Then, define \(\Pi(n+1)) as T(n,n)\) if n > 0 and \(BB(10^{100}\) if n = 0.

SCN(Small Chickies' Number)

Very simple. \(\Pi(10^{100})\)

CN (Chickies' Number)

It starts to get harder. Create a Fast Iteration Hierarchy, and set its base rule to be \(f_0(n) = \Pi(^{\Pi(n)}n)\).
Thus, Chickies' Number is \(f_{10^{100}}(10^{100})\)

LCN (Larger Chickies' Number)

Much more complex
We begin like before and create a Fast Iteration Hierarchy that has \(f_0(n) = \Pi(^{\Pi(n)}n)\) as its base rule.
Then, we define a function chick:
\(Chick(m+1,n) = f_n(n)\) when m = 0
\(Chick(m+1,n) = Chick(m+1,Chick^{n}(m+1,n^n)) when m> 0.\)
Finally, Chickie(n)
\(Chickie(n) = Chick(n^n,n^n)\)

Larger Chickies' Number = \(Chickie(10\uparrow^{10}10)\)